Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cycle Slaughterama

For the last 3 years there's been this killer Cutthroat's event/party/weekend of madness in Richmond, Virginia called Cycle Slaughterama.

Every year so far, for whatever reason, I have not been able to make it and unfortunately for me, this year is no different.

Every year I regret not going.

If you can make it and you don't go, you are out of your mind.

Here's a link to Santana's flickr set from last year so you can see the awesome insanity that Cycle Slaughterama is.

Here's the Cutthroat post and this years flyer:

cycleslaughterama flyer

A major part of the slaughterama this year is the best in show competition! we wanna see all those gnarly rad bikes you huys keep all locked up in your cribs. bring 'em out, show em off, you could win radical prizes and be the envy of all RVA!


Bring out those fancy lil' boombox's ya'll be playin'. we're gonna have low frequency radio....so with enough boombox's we can blow up any spot we ride toooo....let's do this! we need you guys to make it happen, so come one come alll!!!!!

People are starting to arrive, a million bands want to play and we have 600 dj's....i bet you wanna be here for this!

The 30-31st of March marks the 4th annual Evil Fool's Day Cycle Slaughterama. You'd have thought this shit would be totally played out by now, but you have absolutely no idea. Quit your job, sell blood for a bus ticket, and come bro the fuck down.

Friday the 30th - Scavenger Hunt. 5pm Oregon Hill Parkway.
Teams of three or more, if you don't have friends we'll make you some. This isn't some pseudo messenger circle jerk. This is an open invitation for any and everyone that likes to ride their bicycle and do stupid shit. Guaranteed fun and prizes. The fastest may not win, and only the tight shall endure the challenge!

Saturday the 31st - Belle Isle - Hangover O'clock

Better, Bloodier, and way more sweet than it's ever been done before. Come to get down, or just sit back and witness the spectacle.

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