Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I walked for 7 hours today.. all around Jerusalem.. visited memory spots.. didn't really set out to do it.. just sort of happened.. went past the house I used to live in when I was 18/19 yrs old.. went into the building in the old city where the Rabbi who fancied himself a marraige counselor told me that it was probly a good thing that I was about to have a miscarraige since he didn't think I was capable anyways... walked past the spot I sat in across from the Roman ruins in the Old City the night we found out that the Prime Minister, Yitzack Rabin, was murdered. That night, through my one good eye (bc the other was covered with a patch from an operation I had to have bc of a crazy car accident), I watched people crying histerically and pulling their hair out in mourning. I also watched people dancing with joy through the streets because they were so happy that he was killed since he was pro-peace and 'giving away' land. And amidst all this, I watched 2 friends come to blows over heated words and chase each other down the street drunk and violently.

I'm trying to peice it all together.. I really wish I could just take it out of my head so I could look at it.. I feel like every step I take leaks memories..

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